Wall hand-painted maintenance tips you absolutely do not know!

Hand-painting is one of the most popular methods in the process of wall decoration. Its hand-painting is characterized by its personality, fashion but no lack of innovation. The wall can be drawn according to one's own heart, so it has been deep from the present to the present. Popular with consumers, but after the completion of the renovation of the maintenance, really few people know, and do not know how to correctly implement, today Xiao Bian gave you share some effective maintenance methods.

First, natural beeswax when painted

A natural beeswax can be applied to the wall of the hand-painted wall. This wax can effectively separate the wall from the moisture in the air and prevent the wall peeling. Normally this kind of wax is sold in stores selling art supplies.

Second, pay attention to the wall with no sunlight

When drawing a painted wall, be sure to pick a wall that is not exposed to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet rays are very destructive to color and can cause discoloration and discoloration.

Hand painted background wall wall color

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