Open kitchen renovation good four open kitchen design reflects

The renovation of the kitchen has evolved from the initial closed design to the now popular semi-open design and open design. Among them, the open kitchen is probably the most popular, then this open kitchen decoration Is it good? Xiao Bian brought us four open kitchen designs for everyone today. Let's take a look.

Open kitchen is not good

1. From the size of the living room

In general, the size of the living room is limited for small apartments. If you choose an open-plan kitchen decoration, the taste of smoke and food is very easy to float in the living room. Therefore, it is best not to choose to do open kitchen renovation for the small apartment. For larger ones, it can be considered that it will make the living room more bright and spacious.

2. From a practical point of view

If only practicality is taken into consideration, then the open kitchen is certainly not closed, especially for large fumes from Chinese cooking. It is even more impractical, even if the hood does not work well. In frying chili oil, almost everyone will be picked up.

3. From the aesthetic point of view

Looking at its decorativeness alone, the open style is undoubtedly the most beautiful in everyone's eyes, not only spacious, clean, clean, but also very good grades.

Four open kitchen designs reflect

1. Mediterranean-style open kitchen decoration , tough Mediterranean kitchen, although looking not so bright, but the unique arch design made up for this one, irregular arches will be the kitchen and dining room, sitting at the table can watch the lover Cooking for the whole family is a blessing.

2. Bar open kitchen design, bar in the modern kitchen is more common, not only stylish, but also full of features, is a substitute for the table, but also serve as a pass, it is the restaurant and kitchen partition. The kitchen is more stylish with a classic black and white look.

3. One-line open kitchen design, in many open kitchen design, a font is more common, it is usually used low cabinets to separate it from the living room or dining room, this cabinet countertop is also multi-functional .

4. Although small-sized units are not suitable for decorating open-plan kitchens from the viewpoint of smoke, it is still necessary to select them from the perspective of the space area. Such a design can allow the living room, dining room and kitchen to use some overlapping public facilities. Regional, overall design, can save a lot of area.

Editor's Note: The above is about open kitchen renovation and four open kitchen design presentations. Although the open kitchen is a good choice for modern kitchens, but in view of the Chinese special cooking methods, Xiao Bian suggested that you choose semi-open kitchen design. better. If you want to know more relevant knowledge, you can pay attention to this site information.

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