Bio-organic fertilizer identification method

Bio-organic fertilizer is one of the most technically advanced products in China. According to the study, the key factor for the bio-organic fertilizer to produce a significant effect is “living + micro-species with special functions”, because the fertilizer detection technology can not keep up, As a result, the market is confusing and the farmers are unclear. Design a set of identification methods for reference.

First, look at the packaging, is it standardized?

1. Product registration certificate: It has the microbial fertilizer registration certificate number of the Ministry of Agriculture (Note: there is no registration right in the provincial department), the correct method: “microbial fertilizer (registration year) pro word (number) number” or “microbial fertilizer (registration year) ) quasi-word (number) number";

2. Product technical indicators: The number of effective viable bacteria (CFU) ≥ 0.2 billion / gram, the Ministry of Agriculture is only allowed to mark ≥ 0.2 billion / gram, 0.5 billion / gram at the time of registration (strictly, on the last day of the preservation period must be Reach this value). In order to cater to the market, some companies deliberately mark billions of dollars. This is unscientific (current technology is difficult to achieve) and is wrong.

3. Product expiration date: The national regulations are greater than 6 months. As the preservation time of bio-organic fertilizer products is prolonged, the number of effective viable bacteria will continue to decrease, and it is irresponsible to label the expiration date too long.

Second, look at the material, is it even?

1. If the water content of the product is too high or too low, it is not conducive to the survival of the strain. Judging method: Grasp a handful of fertilizer and observe it under the sunlight. The Yin tide is a group, and the dry and gray are all abnormal products.

2. "Organic fertilizer nutrition" suitable for the growth of special functional strains should be a package type, which is composed of various organic nutrients (such as: fermented vegetables, soy flour, etc.), and the traces of raw materials can be seen under light. Or you can smell the special smell of raw materials.

Third, see the effect, is it efficient?

Test method: add a small amount of water to adjust the bio-organic fertilizer into a pellet, place it in the refrigerator and freeze it into ice cubes, and take it out the next day to dissolve it. Three times, the strain in the fertilizer will freeze or decrease greatly; this is Use it to compare and test the original product, observe the difference in the same field, the difference is obviously good fertilizer, the difference is not obvious, indicating that the product has problems, it is recommended to give up.
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