Analysis of the relationship between the risk value of waste plastics foreign trade and the amount of investment return

Because of the wide range of incoming materials, low processing cost, wide application market and simple operation, the waste plastics are more profitable. However, if you want to pick up the goods in the hands of domestic traders, the profit may not reach the maximum, if you pass the foreign trade channel and foreign countries. Friends work together, and once successful in this process, the profit margin will be large. However, in any business activity, lucrative profits often coexist with risks. This foreign trade risk value can be said to be almost a certain proportion of the return on investment.

The risks are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. The authenticity of information, the incidence of transnational fraud in foreign trade is very high;

2. Traps in trade contracts;

3. The conflict of laws between different countries is also an important factor affecting trade;

4. The risk of transnational transportation is great;

5. The administrative intervention of the customs and environmental protection departments of each country makes foreign trade more unstable;

6. Conflicts between technical standards between different countries;

7. The risk of payment between international trade is high.

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