Which luxury house is the most spacious? Shanghai famous luxury mansion

Stars and luxury houses are always inseparable. With money, they definitely want to buy a house and make life more comfortable. Ordinary people struggle for life in a big city just for the sake of a house. It's like Haiping in the dwelling place. What about stars? Making money is much easier and more profitable than ordinary people, so it is only natural to add real estate. Just like Cecilia Cheung's first child, Nicholas Tse sent a luxury home as a reward. In fact, there are more than one luxury mansion in each star, and sometimes it is inconvenient for privacy. How are the star's luxury homes in Shanghai? Let’s take a look!

Rene Liu

Filming, recording, and concerts, it's hard to imagine that Rene Liu can move forward and back. However, in real estate, Rene Liu is also a natural “speculation” home. She has also made some achievements in recent years by actively buying and selling in Shanghai.

In the past few years, Liu Ruying first purchased the Singapore Art Gallery apartment along the Zhaojiabang Road with the master Zhang Aijia, and then bought the Huixian Residence of the Yellow Line in the downtown area. They are all practical high-end apartment buildings. At the time of purchase, Rene Liu seems to be planning to hold long-term shares. Although it does not immediately become cash, but from the current market value, Rene Liu earns at least two such apartments. Millions of "spreads."

Rene Liu is the kind of single woman who admires. When she invests, she often likes to “get together” and buy together, investing together, and she has always been a type of easy-going and easy-to-get-away type. It can be said that this is a “natural speculator”. The type of earning may not be the most, but it is always the most secure.

Star Home Villa Design House Decor

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