Causes and remedies for phytotoxicity of summer vegetables

During the hot season in summer, vegetable farmers everywhere are often reflected in the process of spraying pesticides, and vegetables are prone to phytotoxicity. There are several reasons for analysis by agricultural experts:
The first is the phytotoxicity caused by the drift of herbicides. After wheat is harvested, it is currently the time when corn herbicides are used in large quantities, but vegetables are very sensitive to herbicides. Some of the plants in the summer cucumber shed have been affected by herbicides, and the leaves have yellowing, dryness and other problems, and the face in front of the shed is more serious. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of herbicide phytotoxicity, inspections should be strengthened. It is found that the spraying of herbicides around the shed should close the vents in time to avoid the danger of drifting.
The second is to prevent prolonged growth and excessive use of growth regulators. The summer vegetables are planted, and the temperature in the shed is high. Especially in the case of high night temperature, the vegetables consume more nutrients, which is easy to cause prolongation and affect the flowering and fruit setting of vegetables. Therefore, on the basis of ventilation cooling and shading and cooling, in order to adjust the balance between vegetative growth and reproductive growth of vegetables, many vegetable farmers have adopted the methods of spraying growth inhibitors such as auxin, chlormequat and paclobutrazol to regulate the growth of plants. However, in order to ensure the effect of controlling the wan, many vegetable farmers blindly increased the hormone concentration or repeated use of drugs, leading to hormone poisoning, affecting the growth of plants and fruits. Therefore, it should be used as far as possible according to the growth of the plant and the instructions, and should not be blindly applied.
The third is to prevent and cure diseases caused by improper diseases. In summer, the temperature in the shed is higher, and the water evaporates faster. Therefore, the vegetable farmers are more often watered, and the humidity in the shed is too large. Especially in continuous rainy weather, the disease in the shed is very serious. In the process of disease prevention and control, some vegetable farmers have sprayed under high temperature and strong light at noon, and the concentration of the liquid is too large and the practice of frequent medication causes phytotoxicity. Therefore, we must grasp the amount of use, the right medicine, spray at the right time.
The fourth is to find phytotoxicity and promptly remedy. (1) spraying water to wash the leaves in time; (2) spraying drugs that relieve the harmful effects. The effect of auxin and chlormequat on the fruit can be relieved by spraying with cytokinin. When herbicide phytotoxicity occurs on vegetable crops, it can be sprayed with Huifufeng active liquid fertilizer to alleviate the phytotoxicity. It can also spray 800 times liquid harvesting No.1 or 0.05% 920 solution, which can detoxify and repair damaged cells. At the same time, it can increase the application of quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer such as urea to raise seedlings; (3) Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, and spray 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and love more than 2 to 3 times to promote the recovery of vegetables as soon as possible.
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