Wang Fei Li Yapeng Newly Purchased Luxury Home Valued 12 Million Villa

No one can imagine that movie stars Li Yapeng and Faye Wong's married life actually started from here. A gurgling water, several forests, far away from the city of this mysterious place, is located in the eastern suburbs of Chaoyang District Wenyu River.

Li Yapeng and Faye Wong’s mansion have always been a topic of interest to people. Media reports have determined that the Ligao Palace will be their “home of comfort” and this is not the case. Recently, the author was informed by an industry source that Li Yapeng “clearly repairs the plank road and darkens his position” and takes a million dollars to purchase this mysterious mansion as a love nest for him and Faye Wong. Recently, this mansion is being "crafted." I drove to the vicinity of the Wenyu River, took a winding road, found this villa area, witnessed their mansion, and learned more details that were unknown.

Luxury home 6 km from the airport

According to the information provided by the real estate development company, Li Yapeng and Faye Wong’s mansion is located on the Wenyu River in the eastern outskirts of Chaoyang District, Beijing. It is surrounded by water on three sides and surrounded by forests. It is 6 km from the Capital Airport and only two or three from the Ligao Palace. Kilometers.

The author inquired all the way, only to get around here after seven rounds, and feel a sense of suddenness. Although this villa area is somewhat remote, it occupies a vast area and is surrounded by greenery. There are dense tree-lined boulevards outside the walls of the villas. The green crops and the Wenyu River flowing through the blue waters are a rare garden in Beijing.

According to industry sources, in order to purchase new homes, Li Yapeng and Faye Wong carefully selected, saw a lot of real estate, and finally selected it as their place of life after marriage. A staff member in the villa area also told the author an interesting story: When Li Yapeng and Wang Fei visited the house, they alerted the real estate company and accompanied them to visit them carefully. At that time, Faye ignited a cigarette because the whole park worked. The room couldn't find an ashtray. The result was an antique used for decoration in the sales office. A security guard took the piece and followed Faye Wong, so that she could fall into soot at any time. Both enjoyed absolute VIP treatment.

Star Home Villa Decoration Villa Design Decoration Company House New House Decoration Red Brick Kitchen Wall Tile Villa Area Villa Garden

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