Smartphone turned into 3D printer

Smartphones occupy almost every aspect of our lives. Most of the time we open web links, refresh our circle of friends, or listen to selected songs from our computer. Soon we will be able to print 3D objects using our own mobile device.

The Taiwan Science and Technology Research Team is led by Jeng Ywam-Jeng, a professor of Taiwanese Science and Technology Mechanical Engineering. The 3D printer developed by it is called "Taiwan Technology Mobile Printer". Its biggest feature is that it can be used on a smartphone or tablet screen. Visible light is a layer of cured resin.

Unlike a typical wrap-around 3D printer, this cell-based printing device can print objects in the open air by placing them in a dark corner. A large barrel of unique resin coated on the outside is placed over the smartphone, which causes the light from the phone to harden the material on the printing platform above the vat. As each layer hardens, the platform gradually rises until the process of printing the object ends. Taiwan Technology's 3D printer has been able to print a 100 micron thick hollow sphere.

This is not the first time that a smartphone has been mentioned in the field of 3D printing. Italian rapid prototyping company Solido3D released the mobile phone-based 3D printer OLO in October last year. Solido3D has not released the details of the OLO working principle.

It’s an original idea to use 3D printing on mobile devices that are used by 2 billion people around the world. However, no matter who the manufacturer is, the phone does not guarantee that the new 3D printer will print at the same level as other 3D printers. “The light on smartphones is very weak, so it prints at a slower rate than other polymer printers. But we are still working hard to solve this problem, and it seems that we have made some promising progress in the near future,” said Taiwan Science and Technology Research Assistant Hanhsuan Lee. "One professor has developed a digital light processing printer that prints one layer every two seconds. We are currently working on new programs to make the light of smart phones more powerful." (Chinese Journal of Science and Technology)

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