Decoration cat industry is mainly how to avoid! And listen to experts to elaborate

Say the water in the decoration industry is very deep, not to play! Do not understand the market trade rushed to find the decoration company to sign the contract, but to be pit to the "Tenkeng" to go! There are many pitfalls in the decoration market! The Deputy Secretary-General of Consumers Association has said this: “At present, some decoration companies have hidden more and more hidden traps for consumers, and there are more and more trickery in the home improvement market.” Xiao Bian now lists experts on common traps in the home improvement market. For reference by netizens.

Decoration cat industry is mainly how to avoid! And listen to experts to elaborate

What are the decoration traps

Pitfall 1: Skillfully set up a contract trap. Confusing materials for general quotes, confusion, and costing are common tactics used by individual home improvement companies. At the time of signing, a quotation for a certain material will be calculated in a general way, and the individual materials will be replaced during construction to earn the difference. In addition, some provisions that are not specific or that can be interpreted in a variety of ways can be used to smash shells.

Trap 2: Low quotes to solicit business and add items after starting. Individual decoration companies use the “low-elevation, high-move” approach when customers request quotations, first cut the project and give lower quotations than other companies to attract consumers to sign orders. During the construction process, the deleted items are added as additional items and the money is raised back. After completion, consumers find that the cost of settlement is much higher than the budget.

Trap 3: The designer deliberately added more items and took more commissions. Some designers, after taking orders, in order to take more of the company's commission, regardless of the actual situation in the consumer's home, deliberately increase the renovation project: If you do not need to cut off a place to add a partition, there is no need for ceiling ceilings and so on. After some "design", the decoration offer is substantially higher than the original budget.

Renovation contract Small apartment renovation Two-room renovation Home improvement Decoration design Decorative decoration Company Door price Home decoration Budget table decoration Looking for fit-out company Good interior decoration budget New home renovation Budget decoration Partition partition Door

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